The Family

Brit Mums Live

Thursday 3 July 2014

100 happy days. Day 1

My good friend Sarah from extraordinarychaos completed her 100 happy days yesterday. She enjoyed doing it so much she was quite sad to end it. 
She asked me to start it as I enjoyed reading her daily spot of happiness.
Today is my day 1 to find something in my day that makes me happy.
So here it is

Its not a great photo but it's of Georgia and Josh going on holiday.
I didnt feel happy, I felt like my apron strings have been well and truly cut!
Georgia had booked, bought, packed and organised her and Joshs holiday to Mexico all by herself. And as I dropped her off at Manchester airport, kissed her goodbye and watched her walk towards the departures I realised that she is a lady and my apron strings wont reach to Mexico.

She has promised to text me as soon as she arrives at the hotel. I have spent the day constantly checking my phone even though I know she hasn't even landed yet! Its turning out to be a very long day.
I have never been apart from Georgia for longer than 4 nights when she went on a trip at primary school. Its going to be a long two weeks too.
Im missing her already....
THIS IS MEAN'T TO BE HAPPY I hear you say! 
Well it is. What made me happy is knowing that I have helped to make her into the sensible, mature thoughtful caring person who makes me very proud and I'm sure that she will have a ball.

Have your apron strings been cut yet? How did you feel! 
Feel free to leave a comment 

Lisa xx

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